Round the Bays 2017: Meet the Herd (Part 1)

We thought we might do a wee post and let you know who some of the wonderful humans are that are getting out and raising money for Youthline.

Jess Ducey: Tim and I founded the herd at a pub knitting night way back in 2013. We’d had a pint or two and somehow got on the topic of Round the Bays. I’d been in New Zealand just a few months, and so I agreed to pretty much anything that might help me make friends. Things escalated, as they are wont to do when beer is involved, and somehow we twitter-sourced a name and recruited the brilliant Pinky Fang to design a logo. At that point, it was too late to back out, and so here we are four years later, still organising instead of actually running. I’m very proud that this year I have already had six training runs, topping all previous years combined.

Rochelle Furneaux: I joined because I’ve decided some fitness would improve my life. I have always found fitness to be a very difficult thing to attain (and feel I run somewhat like a Wounded Gazelle), so this team seemed ideal.

Jennifer O’Sullivan:I’ve done the run before and I really enjoyed it – not so much the sweating and running, more the ‘whoa my heart’s beating and I’m doing a measurable thing and look at all these people also doing it!’ I was going to start a team myself just for the camaraderie but then Jess said ‘COME JOIN US’ and well, charity and beer and excellent humans? I’m in.

Fiona Clark: Last year I stepped in at the last minute to run 10k after a member of the herd had to drop out. I really felt inspired to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis Wellington. I ended up running registered as a man in my 40’s I think. Anyway, to my surprise I survived it. I even kind of liked it! I also made the terrible mistake of promising I might back to run the 21k. Come December 2017 I remembered I should probably do some of that old training thing everyone is talking about. So here I am, looking forward to raising some dosh for Youthline.

We’ll do another update with the rest of the crew in a day or two!

And don’t forget: Donate!


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