Round the Bays 2017: Meet the Herd (Part 2)

In Part 2 of Meet the Herd we continue to let you know about the awesome people who are raising money for Youthline Wellington.

Tim Herbert: Following the creation of the Gazelles four years ago, following a few beers and a silly discussion with Jess, we did Round the Bays and began the joy of an annual physical exertion for a worthy cause. Youthline is a cause close to my heart as I believe (the children are the future) they do amazingly important work supporting youth and their whanau throughout NZ. I’m about to begin training to become a Youthline phone counsellor so have even more reason to run or at least cover the 10km I signed up for.

Michelle Baker: I’m a member of the Wounded Gazelles herd because I love their ethos – setting yourself a challenge, maybe getting a bit out of your comfort zone, all for a good cause. It’s wonderful to be part of such a supportive & welcoming group of good people. This is my 4th Round the Bays with the Gazelles. This year I’m returning to the 10km, and am going to keep my physio’s voice running through my head so that I can still be standing when I reach the finish line. (Literally. Crawling isn’t so good for the ol’ knees either.)

Christine Anderson: I’ve done Round the Bays the last three years and wasn’t going to do it in 2017. However, in what appears to be an ongoing theme I was convinced by Jess in a bar to do the race. I’m stoked that we are supporting Youthline and the amazing work that it does for young people. PS I have done no training. RIP my legs

Ellen Walsh: Previously I’ve done Round the Bays for myself while I worked on getting a bit healthier, mentally and physically, and having a goal to reach and achieve made that journey a little easier because there’s something about not really finding running easy, or fun, but still training and making it across the finish line. I stopped doing RtB in the last few years because I felt like I’d ticked it off the list, but when I heard about doing it for a cause, especially the completely invaluable, awesome organisation that is Youthline, who do such rad things – I couldn’t not!

Jo O’Sullivan: I’m in Florida! But thanks to the wonders of social media Maria Fernanda is walking in my place.

Maria Fernanda: I joined the Wounded Gazelles approximately x hours ago. I’m excited to be part of the herd – it’s going to be awesome.

And that’s the herd! If you can spare it we would love it if you could donate to Youthline.

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